high security razor wire fence System- Concertina razor wire and wire mesh fencing panels
Razor wire fencing refers to the metal steel fencing system formed with razor wire tops and steel fencing panels.
Razor wire fencing tops have three forms: straight lines razor wire, flat wrap razor wire, concertina razor wire. Concertina wire fencing is mostly used for high security fence system setting up.
Razor wire fencing product has excellent characteristics such as anti-corrosion, anti-aging, sun resistance, weather resistance, convenient construction, economical and practical. It is mainly used for the enclosure protection of industrial, commercial and military assets, government agencies, prisons, outposts, border guards, power plants, water treatment facilities and other critical compounds.
Shape of the razor barbed wire fencing tops varies according to different installation methods, including spiral type, flat type, linear type and so on. Main razor blades BTO-10,12,22,30 and CBT-60,65.
We provide fencing materials for construction and installation of various types high security razor wire fence system:
Power plant Security Fence with razor tape concertina coils:
Diamond Razor Mesh fencing 1,8m (948m)>>steel poles 150x150mm post 2.4m>>500mm diameter stainless steel Razor wire coil fixed. Diamond Mesh Holes 50x50mm with Barbed Wire PVC Coated Galvanised and Razor Tape Concertina Coils system including the poles and all the necessary items related for its installation.
Concertina Razor Wire Fencing for Airport:
Galvanized razor wire coils+Y post black painted+curved welded mesh
Concertina Razor Wire Fence
Concertina razor wire Diameter 900mm x wire dia 3mm
Max Stretch Length 10mtr) 2 x vessel perimeter + 10% Total expanded length 770m
Bolt Cropping Tool, 24” Galvanised wire, diameter 2mm
Wire Tie Ratchet
Galvanised welded mesh size 2” x 2” x Width 1.2 mtr x length 15 mtr
Fence straining wire 200mtr/roll x 3mm diameter
Mobile security razor fence
More fencing projects:
Razor mesh security fence
Razor wire /
concertina wire fencing (non-barbed) .
Chain link fence+razor barbed wire fecne
Prison-fence +Razor wire security fencing
Steel Palisade Fence+Y Posts , PVC coated Concertina Razor Wire Ribbons
Concertina coils boundary walls fencing
High Security Fence: Barbed Tape +Barbed Wire +Chain Link High Security Fencing Gates +Cable Reinforcement for Entry Control Point
Military and police applied razor wire mobile barrier with trailers.